Proactive Mindset


Proactivity involves seizing an initiative ahead of a situation making a negative turn..In other words, it is a behavior that prevents a crisis.

Such behavior allows organizations to solve problems in their initial stages on their terms and at a lower cost.

This is exactly the opposite of reactive behavior or adjusting behavior when you deal with an already developed situation looking for a solution within an existing frame of limitations.

While we’ll shortly have all three guided workbooks on proactive and abundance mindsets ready for purchase, our growth mindset guided workbook (where we work with each other over twenty-eight days) is ready for sale today.

Each workbook can be purchased by clicking ‘Shop’ at the top of this page.


Need more information?

Click HERE (24/7, 365) to book your risk free 50 minute consultation.  If (at the end) you don’t believe there’s value in working with each other, our time together is free!